Data API

Centralize performance data in one place

With Milestone's Performance Data Platform, your business can centralize all your performance and insights data across channels & touchpoints in one place. Using Artificial Intelligence, Milestone PDP eliminates data silos, aggregates, transforms, cleanses, and unifies data to the advantage of the business.

Customer and Business Data Platform

Aggregate, centralize, transform & unify data

Support for different types of data

Milestone PDP is your all-in-one solution for ingesting, cleansing, and grouping diverse data types, empowering businesses to gain a 360-degree view and make informed decisions.
  • Search Data: Crawling & indexability, schema, impressions, CTR, rich results, ranking
  • Website Data: Sessions, bounce rate, time on site, bookings/purchases, revenue
  • Competitor Data: Keyword performance and ranking against your competition
  • Paid Media & Social Data: Campaign performance in revenue, impressions, clicks, social engagement in likes, shares, reviews, etc.
  • Offline Data: Transactions, revenue, form fills, offline marketing

Competitive Advantage

Milestone PDP centralizes your data and leverages AI for unified insights, giving your business a competitive edge with data-driven decision-making for success.

  • Use search and customer data to track market trends
  • Analyze the strategy of your competitors
  • Identify opportunities to get ahead of your competition
  • Forecasting to make the right business decisions

Cost Saving

Milestone PDP is your single data platform, consolidating all your data management needs to drive productivity and cost savings. By breaking down data silos and aggregating all your business data under one secure platform, you save time and reduce the costs associated with managing multiple platforms.
  • Unified Management: Eliminate the need for multiple data management tools, reducing subscription and maintenance costs, thus improving Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
  • Increased Efficiency: Streamline your data workflows with a centralized platform, leading to faster decision-making and enhanced productivity.
  • Reduced Complexity: Simplify your IT infrastructure by consolidating data sources, making it easier to manage and maintain.

Data Centralization

Milestone Performance Data Platform brings together all your business data into one single platform. Making access to meaningful data for your organization that much easier.
  • Visualize data from Milestone or other platforms via API
  • Access data on demand for timely insights
  • Aggregate, transform, and unify data with AI
  • Ensure data governance and security

Trusted CMS Partner for Major Brands

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Luxury hotel Kitano New York increases direct revenue by 35% with the new website

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Milestone CMS and Local increases customers by 30% for Renault Euro dealerships

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Texas bank increases customers at branches with new website and local listings

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Innovation is key in today's fast-paced business world. We are continuously improving our products and services to meet evolving client needs. See how Milestone's CMS can help yous to stay competitive and adapt to industry changes.

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  • Data-Driven Insights
  • Scalable Solutions
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  • Security and Compliance